The 45th year is a chance for me to document a personal challenge I've set for mid life. As summer comes in 2010 I'll hit the age of 45, just a number, but also an opportunity. I've committed to make my 45th year my fittest year yet. My 35th year was not so great, my weight had risen to an all time high of 324 lbs, likely higher since I gave up the scale soon after. I was in a job I hated, cranky, had constant back pain, and was just plain unhappy. Nearly 10 years later I've quit the job, moved across the country (twice), worked to get a PhD and now have a job as a professor in beautiful Victoria BC where I live with my ever patient and adventurous wife Mary, 2 highly adaptable boys JP and Cam and our internet adoptee, Wrangler, an awesome black lab.
I've whittled the weight down to 240 lbs and will get past the hundred pound loss mark by my birthday on June 21st. Although the birthday isn't until summer, for me April 1, 2010 is the start of preseason training camp (sorry the sport analogies just seem to come out). Over the next few months I'll outline the challenges and adventures I hope to achieve in the 45th year and maybe even get some advice and suggestions for new and interesting challenges. Already in 2010 I've been surfing in New Zealand and kayaking in Australia, not a big deal for some but in my 35th year I was deathly afraid of the water and couldn't swim at all.
My goal is to publish regular updates on the challenges, fitness and nutrition plans as well as the upturns and I'm sure downturns of getting into the shape of my life at 45. Hope you come along.
My goal is to publish regular updates on the challenges, fitness and nutrition plans as well as the upturns and I'm sure downturns of getting into the shape of my life at 45. Hope you come along.