Weight starting to get back in line and exercise on the up take. So very weird??? Backed off specific training plan and in the last week played tennis 3 times, had 3 hr plus hikes, 2 weight workouts and a long bike ride. Never really did like to be told what to do maybe that is even the case with a training plan. Oh well.
Thinking through my soul sport post and it wasn't really accurate. Having an end goal is actually quite motivating for me, but too structured a training program to get there seems to drag me down and take the fun and play out of the whole thing. Turns into "a have to do" rather than "a want to do", need to investigate this some more. There is a lot of research out there that would support the idea that obligation is way less powerful than passion (or positive affect in research speak). So maybe I need to keep reading and in my own mind understand the type and general training I should be doing but still leave me some room to play and listen to the body somewhat day to day. Anyway if you are reading this I need to come up with 12 challenges for the year of 45. I've already committed to ride the distance of the tour de france by the end of summer, technically Sept 21, 2010 3600 kms or 2250 miles. Other cool suggestions welcome, I may do more than 12 so please leave a comment if you can or dm on twitter.
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