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Friday, December 24, 2010
172 days
So if you are new to my blog my goal was to see if I get as fit as possible during the year I'm 45. From my 45th birthday to my 46th on June 21st, 2011. This Jan 1st no resolutions but a continued focus on getting fit, 172 days in 2011 until I'm 46! When I first started this I think that really I was talking about getting thinner but that’s no longer the only goal. Nor is getting healthier, lets be honest here so many of us say its about health but the genetic gods have a lot more control over whether I'll have a 80th year project than do my fitness efforts. What I do control though is the quality of my life regardless of how long that may be. So I need a little help here. How do you define fitness? What should my measures be this summer, let me know! Comment, tweet or dm me, love to know what you think?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Anyone who has lost a substantial amount of weight, see ( knows that the fat suit is never far away. That former self lurks just around the corner, usually sitting on the couch eating holiday baking or having "just one more drink." We all know or have seen someone get in shape for some event, a wedding, birthday or run or ride only to achieve the goal and then slip. Not unusual at all, unfortunately many of the things that allow some of us to lose the weight in the first place, like obsession (sometimes we call it discipline!) have both a positive and a destructive side. One good thing you do gain though is awareness and I am all of sudden all too aware of some very negative stuff creeping back in. The occasional treat has turned to regular holiday treats, a beer or wine to several, daily!! and the reasons to miss workouts seem so much more rationale than they did when I was pushing for the 100 lb loss and then to run a half marathon. I need to realize that the guy who gained 100 plus pounds in the first place is still with me and that's OK I like him, but I don't like the way his habits made me feel. So to slip up is human, to do nothing about it, well at least for me is unforgivable. No waiting, no elaborate planning, no start on Monday or the new year, next week..fill in your favorite! I know what to do... move and eat well and just enough, hydrate often: end of story. So good day lots of water, lots of greens, lots of vegetables and lean protein and a good 45 minute trail run. Feel better already, even the fat guy seems to like this feeling!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
getting back on track
It has been a real challenge getting back on track after the half marathon in October. I've set a bunch of goals but in all reality none were really all that meaningful to me. So here goes a little bit of honesty! I want to weight under 200 lbs! goal 198 by June 21, 2011. Also, I really don't love running but I LOVE cycling. I was listening to this running life the other day, a fantastic podcast and Gordon mentioned that something about loving to train and in all honesty I don't really like running all that much. that being said I don't plan on stopping running but I not sure a Marathon is really MY goal. Getting much faster on the bike is way more exciting to me and likely way better for my body. so signed up for Gran fondo in Penticton, BC this summer and may ride Whistler Grand fondo in September as well. Ok that is all for now! time to get to work!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sometimes we forget why we started things. I've had a good year so far, made my long term 100 lb weight loss target, ran my first 1/2 marathon, did a self supported sprint tri and had some great long rides, even played some decent tennis. BUT the 45th year is about something more. My first post said
"I've committed to making my 45th year my fittest year yet." Not to have a good year, not to be a bit fitter but fittest ever. So time to move forward on the bigger goal. I'm lingering at 225 ish lbs but see some old habits creeping back in. A few less work outs a little less care with diet a few too many beers, one word really complacency. Yeah I'm healthier than the past, healthier than a lot of guys my age but that wasn't what I committed to. Time to ramp it up. 7 more months of being 45 left so no time to waste. I want to see how lean I can get. I have a great base so time to ramp up the fitness, and clamp down the diet. I haven't been below 200 lbs since I was 20 so not sure if that is possible but challenge goals are only fun challenging if there is a chance of failure. So I putting it out there my goal is a lean 199 by my 46th birthday. Details to follow!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Seasonal training!
One of the things I've been talking about in class lately is how we view time. For the last couple of hundred years western society has viewed time as linear, finite; that is when time goes it is gone forever. Now of course it is gone in the most rational of ways, but other civilizations and more agrarian societies have viewed time as being more cyclical, that it is comes and goes like the patterns we see daily and seasonally in our life. Essentially our actions are governed more by the seasons and their variation than by a clock and calender. It seems to me that we are trying to make a return to a more agrarian way of life, at least in part. The eat local, eat seasonal movement is moving more and more to the mainstream. So I thought this would also be a great way to view my training focus and training challenges. Winter is our time to restore, the purpose of hibernation for some creatures, but for humans it seems that winter is a time to recover, to build strength, to experiment and set one's self up for performing. Spring is rebirth, time for a big challenge and to put your winter efforts to the test. Summer is to challenge and grow even more. Finally fall is the harvest, time to aim for a personal best, to leave it all on the table before another winter of recovery and restoration. A simple view of a annual plan but for me it just seems to make sense. We will soon see. Winter comes early in my world (Nov-March) so I'll keep you posted on my new training seasonally approach! Let me know what you think!
fitness commitments,
spring training
Sunday, October 31, 2010
So we begin again! THE PLAN
Well its 21 days since I finished my last major goal, running my first half marathon. The last three weeks have been all about planned recovery, in the past I would have been freaking out about less than stellar eating habits and lower intensity workouts, but I knew I would need a break, more mentally than physically. The interesting difference this time is I can't wait to get back at it. I've been running and eating pretty well anyway but I miss the focus a goal brings and more importantly the way I feel when the eating and exercise are in balance and are a priority.
I've reworked an annual plan laying out three major events for the upcoming year. Something major in three of the four seasons; spring, summer, and fall and using winter to build the base, get strong and get flexible. The spring goal is the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 1st. It will be my first full marathon. In the summer (mid July) I'm going to ride a Granfondo in the BC's Okanogan region and tie that in with a family vacation and mountain biking with younger son. Fall is still a bit up in the air, as it stands I have two events, one being a duathalon in September the other being the Victoria marathon (likley the half, this time with a goal of less than 2hrs or maybe even with the older son!) in October. These will be the focus for what I'm doing but I still plan to play some tennis, get in the pool and maybe even do a sprint tri in there somewhere, but I will fit these in around the key events.
I'm honestly a bit terrified of the marathon (not the event itself, I have a lot of faith in my ability "to gut it out" once I'm out there) but more the training volume. I'm going to continue to use a run/walk method on the long runs and slowly build on the base I have from October's half. In the short run I have a new weight loss goal, drop 15 lbs by the new year, to help with the pounding of marathon training. Stay tuned!
I've reworked an annual plan laying out three major events for the upcoming year. Something major in three of the four seasons; spring, summer, and fall and using winter to build the base, get strong and get flexible. The spring goal is the BMO Vancouver Marathon on May 1st. It will be my first full marathon. In the summer (mid July) I'm going to ride a Granfondo in the BC's Okanogan region and tie that in with a family vacation and mountain biking with younger son. Fall is still a bit up in the air, as it stands I have two events, one being a duathalon in September the other being the Victoria marathon (likley the half, this time with a goal of less than 2hrs or maybe even with the older son!) in October. These will be the focus for what I'm doing but I still plan to play some tennis, get in the pool and maybe even do a sprint tri in there somewhere, but I will fit these in around the key events.
I'm honestly a bit terrified of the marathon (not the event itself, I have a lot of faith in my ability "to gut it out" once I'm out there) but more the training volume. I'm going to continue to use a run/walk method on the long runs and slowly build on the base I have from October's half. In the short run I have a new weight loss goal, drop 15 lbs by the new year, to help with the pounding of marathon training. Stay tuned!
Monday, October 11, 2010
A post of thanks! pt 2!
Wow what a year to give thanks! 100 lbs down! self supportted tri done! 1/2 marathon complete! Definitely deserves 2 posts! Yesterday I thanked Mary , my partner for past couple of decades. Today we sat at dinner and my 15 yr old and his friend announced that next year they want to run the half marathon and my youngest son is looking forward to getting to the gym! After a teen sleep over they were there yesterday am at km 9 cheering me one, pretty impressive lads thanks!! I also have a bunch of other folks to thank especially those nameless few at work who had the patience to get me out walking then walk/running and finally running, I am forever thankful! I'm also thankful to a bunch of folks I've never meet! @holisticguru on twitter has offered some killer nutrition advice and support. She is awesome check her out! Two podcasts that never fail to inspire and entertain @kelownagurl on twitter (who also has been unreal in her support!) kelownagurltris podcast and zentri, zen and the art of triathlon podcast. Thanks to everyone, look out for me I've only just begun. The goal for me in the coming year is to help inspire others and to give back, an impossible task really, but one I look forward to taking on! Enjoy Canadian thanksgiving!
half marathon,
Victoria, BC, Canada
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A post of thanks! pt 1!
It is thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. Today, 10/10/10 I ran and finished my first half marathon. No records but I did finish in under 2 1/2 hours and I finished with enough left to enjoy the rest of the day and to already start searching for my first full marathon, ideally next summer, to wrap up the 45th year! I have down played this event, lots of people run and finish these events and way more challenging events, as was evident as I watched footage from Kona yesterday. Yet this was VERY special for me; it was a way to celebrate my 100 lb weight loss and my return to living like an athlete. More importantly it was a commitment I finished. I took a chance and took on the challenge of running without knowing I would succeed. We often choose goals we know deep done we can achieve but putting yourself out there is something I haven't done much of. As I got up this morning the espresso maker had a card signed by my wife kids and even my mom who is visiting. Mary wrote a reminder of a favorite Theodore Roosevelt quote of mine that really sums up what this run meant to me.
“ The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
I can't thank my family enough for their support. Tomorrow more thanks, a race recap and what next????
Sunday, September 26, 2010
How NOT to train for a half marathon
So 2 weeks to my first half marathon. The training plan was well laid out but alas plans are guidelines are they not?? Last week no long run, decided to play a final fall tennis tournament, 2 weeks before foot injury no long runs, before that a summer ending sprint tri, all great stuff (except the injury) but not on focus for the event to cap off summer. Back at the long run today, 8 plus miles felt fine, one more long run next week back to 9 or 10 miles and I should be fine, but not ideal prep. Strange how I feel I need to make stuff more challenging, "hey anybody can do a half marathon if they do the work!" I still haven't really internalized and acted on the fact that it is ALL about the WORK! OK lesson learned and some pain to come in a couple of weeks but I will push hard and finish strong. Time will tell how successful I'll be!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Fail to succeed
One of the things I've learned over the course of getting back into shape is the need to fail. Failure is the KEY to development. I think we all realize that to do anything at a high level we have to push things a bit. The part we sometimes don't get is that pushing the envelope means that we will encounter failure. How one deals with this failure is ultimately the key to moving forward or stagnating. Do you see it as something you can change? or is it some fixed shortcoming. In the past I've tried running but encountered injury or limited cardio capability and my old answer was often "well you are just not built that run". To be frank that was a cop out. Worse when we believe that one can't change we tend to avoid the behaviour, be it running or weight loss and then things actually get worse and you create a self fulfilling prophecy. My success didn't come until I realized that failure were lessons, walk before you run (literally) take walk breaks, adequate rest etc. All these failures have taught me to understand my body and how to get to be a runner. The same was true of my weight loss. I've know this intellectually for ages but only recently internalized it and put it into action in regard to fitness and weight loss. Psychologists often refer to this as a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. There is a lot of great evidence out there that one's effort and motivation is often tied very closely to this belief that one can grow. I'm a strong believer that their are no gifted people just those who work hard, work smart, and have access to opportunity etc. Yes, in some cases genetics helps or creates boundaries, but those boundaries are often very large and for most of us will never be out real limiters. There are some good popular books out today that take a lot of this literature and boil it down to some key elements. If you get the chance check out the Talent Code by Daniel Coyle or Bounce by Matthew Syed. So this week give yourself the chance to fail and reap the benefits down the road.
Friday, August 27, 2010
1st sprint tri
So was thinking the tri idea might not be a great one..once doubt creeps in you really only have two choices give in or think no more and just do! So I had a day away from the office today and finished my first sprint tri! Not an official event but my own self supported tri. No timing chips or transition splits but 375 m in the pool 25 km on the bike and a 5 km run. I dropped the lovely wife (see at the office and went straight to the pool. Elite swim team be damned I hopped in the slow lane with a bunch of high energy seniors and slugged out 375 m. Swimming is NOT my thing but I survived using my patented dog paddle turning occasionally into freestyle method (swim lessons are a must in the fall!). Then I rode 25 km up the lochside trail encountering a family of deer, great ocean views, a number of other MAMILS (see for details!). I finished the morning with a 5 km run around cedar hill golf course. No real idea of overall time but lots of fun. What did surprise me was the run was about my usual 5 km time and I had lots left over when I finished. I'm psyched to sign up for an "official" spring tri and get the swimming down before them. Also realized that I can go way harder in a race environment, at least in a sprint distance. Finished and thought this was no big deal but sometimes it is important to remember where we have come from to understand how far we can still go. I reread what my wife wrote for me on birthday (see and looked at a few old photos (see below) and well getting out there Friday was pretty special for me and reminded me of how much more I still can do. OK too much deep introspection, this is supposed to be fun, next week focus is back on half marathon and getting back to some work structure!
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Not that many years ago! but about 100 lbs more of me! |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time to Play my 1st sprint tri on my own.
I think I forgot how to play. Sounds kinda weird I know but this is even more bizarre given that I'm a Recreation/Leisure Professor (yes it is a "real" job!). Trying to lose a 100 lbs and more recently getting focused on longer term fitness goals like running my 1st half marathon in October has me downloading data from my garmin, tracking miles, elevation, intervals, heart rate and perceived effort and even protein intake in grams. And I know from twitter and the podcasts I listen to I'm not the only one! I think sometimes we forget the benefit of play when it comes to our passions! So I've taken to simplifying a bit. I need to go fast, go easy and go long each week. Training plans do matter but I've taken to tracking things a little less vigorously. I've also decided to throw in the occasional twist. Remember being at the playground and finding something new and cool? or being invited to play some other games with a different group, we didn't say "can't today" I'm doing swing intervals, we explored, we experimented, I think this is really what makes having fitness worthwhile, to try new and different stuff sometimes. So that being said this weekend I came up with my own sprint triathlon (also my 1st tri). A swim in the lake a 20 k ride and 5 k run. Lets see what happens! I have base fitness but no I haven't trained bricks or transitions, but whats the worst that I can happen? Too often we train to minimize any chance of failure yet failure is how we learn, it is how we push past our comfort zone. So maybe a little play might not only add some fun, it just might make you better as well? What do you think??
Friday, August 20, 2010
Are you an athlete?
What exactly is an athlete? I have thought about this a lot and recently on her podcast and subsequently on her blog ( Kelownagurl (ps great podcast check it out!) posed the question of how many triathlons it takes before one can call oneself a triathlete? I choose the something else option, in my case ZERO. To me an athlete is about the time and effort one puts into train whether one chooses to put that training to the test in a formal competitive setting is irrelevant. The lady trying to pound out a personal best on the local chip trail is as much an athlete as someone running a charity 5 km. In some cases I might even argue that some who compete in events aren't really athletes, if they don't put in the hard training before the event. To me the preparation is key, even if that preparation is for some unspoken, unseen event. As I struggled with weight I still played the occasion tennis tournament but I wasn't an athlete, I showed up and usually played ok but I didn't "chop the wood and carry the water" as @simonwhitfield so aptly tweeted about @paulafindlay's second straight ITU tri win. Outcomes follow effort and effort to me gains you the title of athlete, be you first or last if you did the work that is one title only you can bestow on yourself. Motivational quotes get a bit too much play but this one always stood out for me.
"It's not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters."
To me being an athlete is being ready to take on whatever I choose to challenge myself with or whatever I may be forced to take on as a challenge, be that climbing a local trail, taking on a younger foe on the tennis court, coming back from an injury, or even just beating back the covers to get out of bed and run, ride, stretch or lift. Above all I think the title of athlete is one only YOU know if you deserve, and one you don't keep based on your past performance but that you need to earn again and again, day in and day out. Do you deserve the title? Let me know why!
"It's not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters."
— Paul "Bear" Bryant
To me being an athlete is being ready to take on whatever I choose to challenge myself with or whatever I may be forced to take on as a challenge, be that climbing a local trail, taking on a younger foe on the tennis court, coming back from an injury, or even just beating back the covers to get out of bed and run, ride, stretch or lift. Above all I think the title of athlete is one only YOU know if you deserve, and one you don't keep based on your past performance but that you need to earn again and again, day in and day out. Do you deserve the title? Let me know why!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Weight loss and training: two very different animals
This may seems common sense to many, but I just finally getting this into my head losing weight and training for something do not go hand in hand. Having lost a little over 100 lbs, still freaks me out to write that, I understand that you lose weight by creating an eating plan and nailing the details, activity is important but in the giant scheme of dropping pounds it may be overrated. It wasn't until I took my nutrition, and in particular my portion size into account that I really understood this. As a big guy a hour ride can't be rational for the all you can eat bread or pasta buffet and no your don't need a pocket full of gu, gels or other carb of choice you want to burn the stuff you are already carrying!. NOT if you want to drop pounds. When you look at what you burn (above and beyond what you would burn just sitting there) the numbers are not as large as we often imagine. This becomes even more the case as we become more and more efficient at working out. I do buy the muscle burns more calories idea but to do that one needs to really be aware of how much work is required to add a pound of muscle, a lot of what I see in the gym just isn't going to cut it. The harsh reality is if you want big change you need to make big change and get into a place of discomfort, not just in the gym but in your diet as well.
As I change my focus to train for events rather than to satisfy a number on the scale I have to realize that hard uncomfortable efforts require fuel and proper rest. Conversely my most successful period of weigh loss came with a strong focus on what I put in my mouth and consistent but mild exercise that I did not compensate for with additional fuel or rest. As I talk to people about losing weight or listen to comments on podcasts or other media I hear my old self using exercise as the magic bullet. Exercise is amazing, it adds energy, helps you sleep, makes you more creativity, it is a magic bullet in many ways but not for weight loss, at least not in my experience. If you are looking to drop pounds spend the energy getting diet right and just get moving, no needs for training plans or epic events. Plenty of time for those when you get to test out the new fitter body!
As I change my focus to train for events rather than to satisfy a number on the scale I have to realize that hard uncomfortable efforts require fuel and proper rest. Conversely my most successful period of weigh loss came with a strong focus on what I put in my mouth and consistent but mild exercise that I did not compensate for with additional fuel or rest. As I talk to people about losing weight or listen to comments on podcasts or other media I hear my old self using exercise as the magic bullet. Exercise is amazing, it adds energy, helps you sleep, makes you more creativity, it is a magic bullet in many ways but not for weight loss, at least not in my experience. If you are looking to drop pounds spend the energy getting diet right and just get moving, no needs for training plans or epic events. Plenty of time for those when you get to test out the new fitter body!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Been a while since I posted, a bit up and down. the ups have had a couple of consecutive long runs over 90 mins, felt good during but have been suffering from foot and ankle issue that have kept other runs relatively short. back out there ran an easy 30 min push run, check out zen and art of triathlon for more creative exercise ideas! Push runs are stopping every 10 mins and pounding out, in my case 15 push ups them back to running. Eating is fairly good but the less it requires attention, lack of attention for me leads to an increase in portion size and yes you can eat too much food even if it of the good and healthy variety.
As I started this 45th year project I had and still have a lot of goals, but as I know all too well too many goals does not lead to success! So my focus until Thanksgiving, (Oct 11th in Canada) is on running and completing my first half marathon, the Royal Victoria Marathon. That means 4 runs a week including a long run. The other days are a time for active recovery and cross training, cycling, some tennis and continue to do body weight resistance training and some stretching/yoga.
Pretty excited about running, in by far the longest race I've ever thought about. At this point each weekend my long run is my personal best longest run, nearly 10 miles at this point. I've only been back running for about 6 months and never really had sustained running other than to get ready for a sport in the past so pretty cool getting into the almost 2 hr over 10 mile territory. I am certainly feeling the long run and fatigue and soreness have been a frequent visitor the past few weeks. Need to really pay attention to recovery. It is interesting as the shift from a focus on weight loss, get there burn lots of calories, vs training, focus on smart workout proper fueling and especially on adequate and intelligent recovery. No time goal just to finish and finish with a smile on my face, that being said I'm going to push, it is part of me and part I really like so we will see in a couple of months what my half marathon PB or PR will be!!
As I started this 45th year project I had and still have a lot of goals, but as I know all too well too many goals does not lead to success! So my focus until Thanksgiving, (Oct 11th in Canada) is on running and completing my first half marathon, the Royal Victoria Marathon. That means 4 runs a week including a long run. The other days are a time for active recovery and cross training, cycling, some tennis and continue to do body weight resistance training and some stretching/yoga.
Pretty excited about running, in by far the longest race I've ever thought about. At this point each weekend my long run is my personal best longest run, nearly 10 miles at this point. I've only been back running for about 6 months and never really had sustained running other than to get ready for a sport in the past so pretty cool getting into the almost 2 hr over 10 mile territory. I am certainly feeling the long run and fatigue and soreness have been a frequent visitor the past few weeks. Need to really pay attention to recovery. It is interesting as the shift from a focus on weight loss, get there burn lots of calories, vs training, focus on smart workout proper fueling and especially on adequate and intelligent recovery. No time goal just to finish and finish with a smile on my face, that being said I'm going to push, it is part of me and part I really like so we will see in a couple of months what my half marathon PB or PR will be!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 2 iron john
Up early to watch tour with espresso and oatmeal. Then off for a 1 hr 15 min run. shower and off to moss street market, b RED baguette salt sprouts and turkey for lunch by the ocean. Home for dog play and relax then a walk at Willows beach. Interesting realization today that my recovery walk was my work out less than a year ago, come a long way with a lot left for the future. Missing family but best way to cope is to make the most of the time. great dinner, steak, local greens mushrooms and jean Bousquet cab, reasonable price for BC organic and #$$@ delicious! Early night after a final dog walk and stretch then at least a couple of hours on the bike tomorrow!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Day 1 iron john
So today was a partial day, the family left for Winnipeg late in the day today. Today I rode 1 hr and 15 mins and walked about 30 mins. Beautiful day about 23 C. Omelet breakfast, beef vindaloo for lunch and bison burger, salad and yam baked fries for dinner. Watching How to cook your life. Cool zen cooking movie!
Iron John Camp
So been a while since posting busy doing! I have the chance to have 10 days to myself 12 including travel days. so I decided to create an Iron John Camp to make the most of that time. The camp focuses on riding, running, hiking, yoga and tennis. Each day has 2 workouts one hard and one easy. The camp also has time to write and reflect, a song track!! and a movies. I will miss the family while they are away but I have 2 choices be sad that I'm alone or embrace it and make the most of a rare opportunity, well the later is the way to go. I'll post daily updating the plan for each day!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Then & Now 100 lbs down
So this morning the Monday morning weigh in confirmed that I am 100 lbs less than the day I found myself weighing 324 lbs in a Dallas Mall.
Many of us love the before and after pictures, the crazy changes, I hesitated to post those before shots; before and after implies some sort of completion. This whole thing, the 45th year IS NOT about losing weight but changing that focus to getting fit, fueling smart and performing. The weight was a barrier, I'm not running much, not being injury free at 324 lbs but I'm also not finished at 224. I think having a lb based end point is dangerous. I'm eating and exercising in a way I hope to continue in some form for the greater part of the next 45 years. So for me there will be no after. That being said man was I fat! check out these shots from 8 yrs ago!
I'm sure rapid weight loss can happen and I applaud anyone who does that but this was not a quick fix. I gradually regained healthy eating habits and will continue to improve (Kaizen baby!) bit by bit. I'm feeling great returning to being an athlete and that is the focus for the 45th year to get fit and to learn to push, endure, compete, inspire, rejoice and recover. Much fun to come! So as the preseason comes to an end the scale takes a back seat to the focus on sustained healthy living and activity.
Many of us love the before and after pictures, the crazy changes, I hesitated to post those before shots; before and after implies some sort of completion. This whole thing, the 45th year IS NOT about losing weight but changing that focus to getting fit, fueling smart and performing. The weight was a barrier, I'm not running much, not being injury free at 324 lbs but I'm also not finished at 224. I think having a lb based end point is dangerous. I'm eating and exercising in a way I hope to continue in some form for the greater part of the next 45 years. So for me there will be no after. That being said man was I fat! check out these shots from 8 yrs ago!
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then-not a bulky jacket! |
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Then -the most activity i was getting! |
now |
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The final push
I'm onto the final push. almost a decade ago I was in Dallas for work hitting all you can eat BBQ and drinking beer specials as long as they kept serving me. For some reason I stepped on a mall pay a dollar get your weight scale. It read 324 lbs. Well since then I've quit my job, went back to school to get a PhD moved across the country and managed to stay married (my spouse is insane, but I so happy she is!). Oh and I'm within 5 lbs of dropping 100 lbs. I called this adventure project 100 even wrote it on the back of my XXL under armour shirts. Last week I wrote it on my newest shirt a L. I'm on the final push working on a perfect couple of weeks to get to that goal then the scale goes away and I concentrate on eating well, and getting into the best shape of my life. Pretty cool, thanks to everyone and they are so many of you that helped. But without my wife, Mary this never would have happened. Thank you so much, pretty good chance you'll have me around a lot longer now as well, hope that is OK with you!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
may numbers
good month 3 weeks of preseason left!
End of May numbers
weight 228 DOWN 9.8 lbs this month 15 lbs total
chest 43 inches down 2
waist 41.5 inches down 2.5
hips 44.5 inches down 1.5
The starting numbers were:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
End of May numbers
weight 228 DOWN 9.8 lbs this month 15 lbs total
chest 43 inches down 2
waist 41.5 inches down 2.5
hips 44.5 inches down 1.5
The starting numbers were:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
Friday, May 28, 2010
can't wait for the regular season
Wow still in my preseason already at my pre wedding weight, kids never seen me this size, running 50 mins straight, signed up for a marathon and really cleaning up my diet. the pre season has made me think the 45th year can be so much more than I originally imagined. My fittest year ever, yes, still the main goal but also to inspire others, my kids and really set me up for an awesome 45-90 second part of my life. Stay tuned! The 45th year begins June 21st!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mandatory Drug testing?
So last post I mentioned I signed up not for the 1/2 marathon as planned for in October but the full marathon. Now some background. I'm fairly new back to running and most who I've talked to about this think it is nuts and wonder if I might have been consuming some non performance enhancing non prescription, non legal medication during the sign up process. I'm still not convinced either way. I need some input from anyone who might have experience. Here is my rational for the full not the half and a bit of background on me beyond what the rest of this blog explains. I have always thought of the marathon as a great fitness goal, a challenging achievement (the half most certainly is as well but isn't in my mind as out there or as motivating). I have no time goal just to finish and I plan to continue training and doing the event using a run walk method, kind of a Jeff Galloway thing, google it if you aren't familiar. I'm able to comfortably run over an hour and over 6 miles at this point and have been walking and then running since September though running is really since Jan in any consistent way. Finally if I get up in mileage later in the summer during the long runs and find it too taxing on the joints etc then I'm happy to shift into the half and run a full at some other point. Right now I have momentum and motivation and summer gives me the time to put in the miles. Happy to hear your thoughts!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Going great and and October challenge is decided.
In last few weeks things have really come together. I've been exercising with intensity and duration (at least an hour for the past 18 days. Eating is becoming pretty focused and I'm making good choices not feeling deprived. No back pain except when swimming so I've backed off that for the time being and increased the focus on tennis, running, biking, core work and the hundred push up program. Onto week 4 of the 100 push up program this week, just finished my first "long run" about 10k, I know not a long run for those who "run" but we are building up slowly, and had a couple of longer rides this weekend. Still filling out some of the 12 monthly challenges I'll set for the 45th year but October is now decided. 146 days from this post I'll be in the midst of my first marathon. http://www.hly On 10/10/10 the world will not end but I will hopefully be able to tick a box on my really want to do life list. I went to early register for the half Marathon but this is a year of pushing, a year of the highest level of fitness possible so 42.195 km or 26.2 miles it is. I'm pretty excited and have no time goals it is to finish and be able to enjoy celebrating after the event. We shall see.
weight loss
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What the ? I think I like to run?
Ok I've run before to train when I was in shape decades ago and hated almost every minute of it, but the last few runs have been dare I say fun???? Today I ran an extra 8 minutes and really didn't want to stop. I know for real runners out there an extra 8 mins is nothing but for me this is significant!! Preseason is rocking need to find some cool ways to ramp it up for the the 45th year when the season starts in 5 weeks or so.
Monday, May 10, 2010
less thinking = more doing
Challenge 2 is off to a great start 10 for 10 in May exercising for at least an hour and I'm 3 weeks into getting tough but sticking it out. As most of you know some days doing the things that are good for us or that we need to do can be easy, but other days getting up to run, riding in the rain or getting off the couch can be harder! This past few weeks I've really focused on my own conversations with myself about working out. Two specific actions seem to have the most impact. The first is the timing of when the conversations start. There is absolutely no point in guessing how you feel, how the weather will be, how you should be doing something else, etc. when a workout is hours or even days away. Preparing is important, having your stuff ready etc but worrying about making a workout just gives you a longer time to argue yourself out of it, or rationalize why rest or rescheduling is a better idea.
The second thing that works for me is awareness of my self talk just prior to and during the workout. The lazy me will say take it easy on an interval or wait til later to workout or just walk not run but being completely aware of these conversation seems to quiet them and if they do surface, they seem to be much less effective, kind of like knowing the salesman tricks before negotiating. These two steps have helped me keep going on at least 2 runs and added intensity to most of my other workouts this month. Workouts and eating well are things I want to do and they will happen, so no point in having this negative internal dialogue.
The second thing that works for me is awareness of my self talk just prior to and during the workout. The lazy me will say take it easy on an interval or wait til later to workout or just walk not run but being completely aware of these conversation seems to quiet them and if they do surface, they seem to be much less effective, kind of like knowing the salesman tricks before negotiating. These two steps have helped me keep going on at least 2 runs and added intensity to most of my other workouts this month. Workouts and eating well are things I want to do and they will happen, so no point in having this negative internal dialogue.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
April Numbers
Had a slow start so really two weeks of progress here (the last two weeks, one week of stabilizing and a week of no so good. Eating and exercise are now on track but May will require some very hard work, looking for 12lbs and a couple inches this month. 225 by June 1 gives me a shot at getting to the goal weight.
End of April Numbers
weight 237.8 DOWN 5.2 lbs
no change on measurements, weird but clothes fit better??
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
The starting numbers were:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
End of April Numbers
weight 237.8 DOWN 5.2 lbs
no change on measurements, weird but clothes fit better??
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
The starting numbers were:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
Friday, April 30, 2010
Challenge 2: MAY - 30 workouts 30 days
Month one is almost done, I'll report back tomorrow with the numbers and thoughts on the first month of the preseason. Great start but the fittest of my life is a long way off so May will need to be as tough as 2 a days in a NFL training camp, but unlike some vets who like to conveniently have contract talks during camp and "sit out" the hard work, I'm ready. On the exercise front - one goal for May:
"Workout for at least an 1 hour a day for 30 straight days"
Then a rest day Monday May 31st, until then at least one hour of activity (and no dog walking will no longer count). hikes are fine, core and strength training, cycling, tennis, swimming, run/walks are all in the mix. Seems pretty simple but I know life creeps in including an anniversary, a visit from my Mom and a lot less structure at work but I know it is doable. The rough plan:
Saturday long ride or run
Sunday Tennis training
Monday run plus push ups
Tues ride and tennis plus core
Wed run and swim plus push ups
Thurs ride or run plus core
Fri ride plus push ups
"Workout for at least an 1 hour a day for 30 straight days"
Then a rest day Monday May 31st, until then at least one hour of activity (and no dog walking will no longer count). hikes are fine, core and strength training, cycling, tennis, swimming, run/walks are all in the mix. Seems pretty simple but I know life creeps in including an anniversary, a visit from my Mom and a lot less structure at work but I know it is doable. The rough plan:
Saturday long ride or run
Sunday Tennis training
Monday run plus push ups
Tues ride and tennis plus core
Wed run and swim plus push ups
Thurs ride or run plus core
Fri ride plus push ups
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
all about the process but...
I know I've been talking up the benefits of soul sport and doing things for sake of doing things but this year I also need a bit of focus to keep me pushing through. The plan is to have a dozen or so monthly challenges and a final biggest challenge at the end of the the 45th year to put a cap on what I hope to be a journey to my fittest year ever. So far some conventional ideas a half ironman, a double century bike ride, a marathon, others??? I need some creative help.. the goal is something that will be doable 14 or 15 months from now (by June 2011) but will seem like a stretch! thanks
Monday, April 19, 2010
Heading down.
Weight starting to get back in line and exercise on the up take. So very weird??? Backed off specific training plan and in the last week played tennis 3 times, had 3 hr plus hikes, 2 weight workouts and a long bike ride. Never really did like to be told what to do maybe that is even the case with a training plan. Oh well.
Thinking through my soul sport post and it wasn't really accurate. Having an end goal is actually quite motivating for me, but too structured a training program to get there seems to drag me down and take the fun and play out of the whole thing. Turns into "a have to do" rather than "a want to do", need to investigate this some more. There is a lot of research out there that would support the idea that obligation is way less powerful than passion (or positive affect in research speak). So maybe I need to keep reading and in my own mind understand the type and general training I should be doing but still leave me some room to play and listen to the body somewhat day to day. Anyway if you are reading this I need to come up with 12 challenges for the year of 45. I've already committed to ride the distance of the tour de france by the end of summer, technically Sept 21, 2010 3600 kms or 2250 miles. Other cool suggestions welcome, I may do more than 12 so please leave a comment if you can or dm on twitter.
Thinking through my soul sport post and it wasn't really accurate. Having an end goal is actually quite motivating for me, but too structured a training program to get there seems to drag me down and take the fun and play out of the whole thing. Turns into "a have to do" rather than "a want to do", need to investigate this some more. There is a lot of research out there that would support the idea that obligation is way less powerful than passion (or positive affect in research speak). So maybe I need to keep reading and in my own mind understand the type and general training I should be doing but still leave me some room to play and listen to the body somewhat day to day. Anyway if you are reading this I need to come up with 12 challenges for the year of 45. I've already committed to ride the distance of the tour de france by the end of summer, technically Sept 21, 2010 3600 kms or 2250 miles. Other cool suggestions welcome, I may do more than 12 so please leave a comment if you can or dm on twitter.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
#I8this 1 for 1
Way too boring for everyone to track every bite online but i did write it down today, weird 3 pm cereal snack and a bit too much polenta at dinner but otherwise met all the goals for today 1/1
Soul surfer and the art of working out
So in my working life I study leisure, no not a typo, I have a PhD in Recreation and Leisure Studies and teach/research at a local university. More on that later, but one of the things I'm really interested in is why people do, and continue with certain activities. I'm really fascinated by this idea of doing things just because, true intrinsic motivation. The whole soul surfer idea, surfers or snow boarders who don't compete but just look for challenges out there. Been watching a great video podcast on this kind of person (check out also also seems to get this, plus he is entertaining as hell! This idea of pursuing excellence but not necessarily in a formal organized competitive,way is really cool. One summer i had a chance to golf early often by myself and loved the idea of not keeping score but just getting that perfect felling of hitting a great shot or even creating interesting and challenging situation on the course to try. Same with tennis for me, nothing like getting into the rhythm of hitting tons of balls just trying for the perfect sound, feel and swing.
Being the analytic sort I've discovered a pattern that my pursuit of a leisure activities seems to be inversely related to the precision of my plan and the formality of an event! Sign up for a century ride and my bike gathers dust, develop an intricate couch to 5 k plan with ever second timed out and the couch wins. I have enough of a psychology background to know that we could talk about fear of failure or success and goal avoidance and a whole bunch of stuff but really looking at this I think the answer is pretty simple. I really hate to add external incentives to my favorite activities. In the past I loved to play tennis for hours and hours a day as a kid and teen and then I taught tennis and eventually it became my full time job, a dream job to some but it started to kill my passion for the sport. A passion I'm just getting back nearly 20 years later.This whole idea of soul athletes is something I'm develop a research project one, so if you are one of them send me an email love to talk to you!
So this year, the up coming year of 45, I'm trying to get that athletic soul back! I'm still having goals but the plans will be much looser and the events will be viewed more like challenges (just words but we all know words can be very powerful), my plan will be to get out there and take on challenges as they come (some will be events but the training will be focus NOT the ultimate performance on the day) if I feel good I'll ride a bit more, still push through the tough days but no 1 min intervals or power monitors, sorry Chris Carmichael, just time and mileage and even not that some days.
Now if you read the last post on food good in chance in June that I'll be presenting my rational for a detailed half marathon program!!! but for now my goals are pretty straight forward. As my fitness improves more specific training may be needed but maybe I can just do the soul sport thing, constantly challenging myself to get better everyday, sounds kinda corny but also like a whole lot of fun!
Walk every day
Light flex/yoga in the am and pm
Breathe hard and get sweating at least a couple of times a week
Work on getting stronger a couple of times a week.
fitness commitments,
fitness over 40,
soul sport
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
eating hmmmm #I8this
So the key for the pre season is to get the diet in order. A message from my lovely wife(M) pretty much outlines how its been going, it has my attention just not my action!
J: I'm going to start cutting gluten out of my diet
M: That sounds like a great idea
J: Do we have any flour? I want to make bread
M: (shakes head sadly while heading out to buy chicken breasts and salad)
So what am committing to much more publicly for the next 2 weeks?
no alcohol
drink 2l plus water a day
no red meat
keep a food diary
So today
Scottish oatmeal cooked in light soy milk with walnut, and babes honey local and yummy
2 espresso and a coffee (honest at least!)
Thai kitchen noodles, chicken breast, 2 cups of frozen Asian veg mix
for later snack banana and Brazil nuts
dinner salad chicken breast blue cheese dressing and avocado
snack leftover oatmeal
J: I'm going to start cutting gluten out of my diet
M: That sounds like a great idea
J: Do we have any flour? I want to make bread
M: (shakes head sadly while heading out to buy chicken breasts and salad)
So what am committing to much more publicly for the next 2 weeks?
no alcohol
drink 2l plus water a day
no red meat
keep a food diary
So today
Scottish oatmeal cooked in light soy milk with walnut, and babes honey local and yummy
2 espresso and a coffee (honest at least!)
Thai kitchen noodles, chicken breast, 2 cups of frozen Asian veg mix
for later snack banana and Brazil nuts
dinner salad chicken breast blue cheese dressing and avocado
snack leftover oatmeal
Monday, April 12, 2010
Getting the rust off!
Well a week or so in and spring training is indeed required. Sore knees, a tricky little back issue and way less on the training log than I had hoped, but it has started. Managed a few decent bike rides a couple of strength workouts, some tennis and a bit of walking..... all and all not to bad in the fitness department. Nutrition on the other hand is atrocious! Crazy bad carb craving, eating way more calories than I need and just some plain dumb mistakes, well not mistakes but conscious choices. It is an important difference!! HELP is on the way.....Chicken breasts are cooked and salad is in the fridge, soy milk and oatmeal, are readily available so no excuses. The weird thing is actually like to eat healthy. For me it is all about habit and structure. If I plan to eat a certain way and keep it up for a few days all is good, unfortunately it works the other way as well. I need to limit my choices to a couple of things for breakfast, same for lunch and bit more variety at dinner AND I'm not a great guy to take off a weekend, just doesn't work at my age, actually not sure it really works for anyone!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Challenge 1: April ride the Tour de France
I'm going to ride the Tour de France, no I'm not suffering some sort of delusion, no Armstrong like comeback (can you comeback if you've never been there?). No this is a little mind game to get some km in on the bike. My goal is to ride the distance of tour before the summer ends. So between April 3 and December 31, 2010 I'm going to ride at least 3600 kms (2250 miles) the distance of this year's tour. On my monthly check in I'll report my kms. First ride in today, damn cold but super fun! If you happen to stumble onto this blog I'm looking for a dozen or more challenges (one for each month of the 45th year). Suggestions welcome and needed!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
And so it begins
April 1st, the day training camp begins. Always loved the idea of spring training just never really acted much on it, as you might guess coming from a former 324lber! Training camp runs from April 1 to June 20. 81 days to get ready to get fit, sounds a bit excessive but I am smart enough and old enough to realize that at 44 you need to build slowly and with a plan if you want to move forward. I'm following an older Outside Magazine article, for the next three months. Essentially it is a pretty basic program with interval workouts 3 times a week and strength training twice a week. I'm playing with it a bit to adapt to my issues like a touchy back and adding in getting back on the tennis court and getting in a longer bike ride on the weekends.
The starting numbers are:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
The starting numbers are:
weight 243 lbs
chest 45 inches
waist 44 inches
hips 46 inches
By June 20 I plan to have the following numbers.
weight 219
chest 44
waist 39
hips 43
fitness over 40,
spring training,
the numbers
Victoria, BC, Canada
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What is the 45th year?
The 45th year is a chance for me to document a personal challenge I've set for mid life. As summer comes in 2010 I'll hit the age of 45, just a number, but also an opportunity. I've committed to make my 45th year my fittest year yet. My 35th year was not so great, my weight had risen to an all time high of 324 lbs, likely higher since I gave up the scale soon after. I was in a job I hated, cranky, had constant back pain, and was just plain unhappy. Nearly 10 years later I've quit the job, moved across the country (twice), worked to get a PhD and now have a job as a professor in beautiful Victoria BC where I live with my ever patient and adventurous wife Mary, 2 highly adaptable boys JP and Cam and our internet adoptee, Wrangler, an awesome black lab.
I've whittled the weight down to 240 lbs and will get past the hundred pound loss mark by my birthday on June 21st. Although the birthday isn't until summer, for me April 1, 2010 is the start of preseason training camp (sorry the sport analogies just seem to come out). Over the next few months I'll outline the challenges and adventures I hope to achieve in the 45th year and maybe even get some advice and suggestions for new and interesting challenges. Already in 2010 I've been surfing in New Zealand and kayaking in Australia, not a big deal for some but in my 35th year I was deathly afraid of the water and couldn't swim at all.
My goal is to publish regular updates on the challenges, fitness and nutrition plans as well as the upturns and I'm sure downturns of getting into the shape of my life at 45. Hope you come along.
My goal is to publish regular updates on the challenges, fitness and nutrition plans as well as the upturns and I'm sure downturns of getting into the shape of my life at 45. Hope you come along.
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